Sunday, March 3, 2013

Marc Randazza is a Bully. Threats to POST if this Guy does not Do what he Says? That's Extortion Right? In My OPINION that is Extortion. Yet the LAWS do not APPLY to Randazza and the Constitution ONLY applies to who HE says it Does.

"I hereby mock you" Says Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group

See Marc Randazza can MOCK who he wants, Curse at them, Lie about them, Threaten them, and they better sit down and SHUT UP or he will SUE them and he will WIN. At Leas the Attorney Fees, that's just how this Asshole Roles.

"In two hours, I am going to publish the attached blog post." "I tried to contact you yesterday, before publishing it, seeking a comment. I then sought comment from you
at least telling me where you are licensed. No response. Now, I'm going to publicize your scam."  Says Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group

"You are knowingly committing extortion."  Says David Blade

I, Pro Se Blogger Crystal Cox Gotta Agree with Ol' David Blade on that one. Marc Randazza uses his blog and the blogs of his friends to shake down clients, and get people to do what he wants, aKa Extortion in my Opinion. Crystal Cox does NOT do this, however, Rabid Randazza accuses her of doing what he does then SUES here, the COURTS side with Randazza. WOW, the Law, ahhh who cares when your the Riddler Randazza.

"But once I get a plaintiff, I am coming for you, motherfucker." Says Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.  I Guess he just gets a Plaintiff or makes himself one and does what he wants to EXTORT, shake down, threaten, and He SURE Seems to Get what he Wants EVERY TIME.. Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group IS Above the LAW, I wonder if it has anything to do with his sealed court cases of his youth?

And Marc's Buddies, Brag about this Professional Behavior, WOW.

David Blade Says, "You are not pursuing a case or claim. You are attempting to extort me. You have not stated otherwise. You are knowingly attempting to extort money from me. The continued emails also constitute harassment."

Blogger Crystal Cox AGREES, Randazza has done this to MANY, time for us ALL to Fight Back.

Source of Above Quotes

Marc Randazza seems to just grab any case, any Plaintiff and run Rogue of the Law and the Constitution and he gets away with it, WOW.

Has Randazza Legal Group done this to you? 
If so eMail me at

As Usual, these GUYS love to Suppress my VOICE, so if you can't see a document on my sites, eMail me, I have back up.

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, who is not ALLOWED to MOCK FUCKHEAD, Evil, Liar, Marc J. Randazza. IT'S AGAINST THE LAW and I Shall Be PUNISHED.

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